M2 Shuhei Oonishi won the Research Promotion Award at the 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium
2018/03/19 Awards
On March 18th, 2018/3/18
M2 Shuhei Oonishi won the Research Promotion Award at the 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium supported by The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
Publication title: フォトゲート型蛍光センサを用いたレジオネラの蛍光観測
Authors:大西脩平、崔 容俊、石田 誠、澤田和明、石井仁(豊橋技科大)、 町田克之、益 一哉(東工大)、 二階堂靖彦、齋藤光正(産業医科大学)、吉田眞一(福岡聖恵病院
This award was given outstanding young researchers who are expected to contribute to improve the integrated MEMS technology.
University Website
【Award Information】
A lecture by Prof. Sawada at The 5th Toyohashi University of Technology Symposium
2018/02/15 Exhibition
Data : 2018/2/15, Place: Tokyo Station Conference
A lecture by Prof. Sawada at The 5th Toyohashi University of Technology Symposium
Title: 生体のカラクリを見るDynamic Ion Biology
Prof. Sawada was conducting the symposium as a chair man. Mr. Doi displayed and explained an exhibition of bio-image sensors.
13th Ski trip (Shiga Highlands)
2018/02/05 Events
2018/2/3-2/4 We had been to Shiga Highlands for skiing.
Our group have been going to the ski trip every year, this year it is the 13th. We were not only enjoying the skiing and snowboard, but also meeting with students, alumnuses and professors. It was very memorable and valuable time.
2018CREST conference in Yamanashi
2018/02/01 Events
2018/1/31-2/1 2018CREST conference in Yamanashi had been held.
A chair of this conference is Prof. Sawada. He is carrying out the national research project “Non Label Neurotransmitter Image Sensor System for Spatiotemporal Analysis of Cerebral Function” that is a part of JST CREST [Single Cell Analysis] Innovation Technology Platforms for Integrated Single Cell Analysis. Project’s members from Yamanashi University, National Institute for Physiological Science, and Toyohashi University had presented and discussed their research results in this conference.
2017/12/22 Events
2017/12/21 We celebrated the outgoing year!
Prof. Maruyama was received the encouragement prize from the 34th Sensor/Micromachine and Application System
2017/12/21 Information
Prof. Maruyama was received the encouragement prize from the 34th Sensor/Micromachine and Application System
This prize is for the best speaker in the oral session.
His presentation was evaluated by members of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
A name of the prize is Igarashi Award, and it is prepared just for the young researchers (under 35 years old at 31.12.2016).
Official University Website https://www.tut.ac.jp/news/171221-10724.html
Official University Website https://www.tut.ac.jp/other/jyusho.html
The 34th Sensor Symposium http://www.sensorsymposium.org/index_j.html
Mr. Choi Yong Joon received his doctor’s degree
2017/12/18 Information
2017/12/18 Mr. Choi received his doctor’s degree!
MNC2017(Jeju, KOREA)
2017/11/13 Information
2017/11/6~11/9 The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2017) had held in Jeju, South Korea. 4 research presentations had been reported by our group members.
Oral presentation session
- Selective molecular detection on a suspended graphene developed by low-pressure dry transfer technique
S. Kidane*, H. Ishida, K. Sawada, and K. Takahashi - An elastomer-based MEMS Fabry-Perot interferometric biosensor with open-cavity structure
R.Teramoto*, S. Maruyama, I. Takahashi, S. Takeoka, T. Fujie K. Sawada, and K. Takahashi - Magnetic beads based local enzyme immobilization method for multi-neurotransmitter image sensor with microhole array structure
Y.Ogaeri*, M.Mitsudome, Y.-N.Lee, T.Iwata, K.Takahashi, K.Sawada
Poster presentation session
- Filter-free fluorescence analysis system integrated with microfluidics device
Yong Joon Choi*, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Tatsuya Iwata and Kazuaki Sawada
The 34th SENSOR SYNMPOSIUM(International Conference Center Hiroshima)
2017/11/03 Information
The 34th Sensor symposium had been held at the Hiroshima International Conference Hall and we had reported ten presentations in our group.
The 34th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems
Sensor symposium Young researcher Award (Igarashi Award/Encouragement Prize) Oral Presentation Session光干渉型表面応力センサのバイオ・化学センシングへの応用と差分測定に関する検討
*丸山 智史(Satoshi Maruyama), 飛沢 健, 高橋 一浩, 澤田 和明
The 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium_Oral Presentation Session
- フォトゲート型蛍光センサを用いたレジオネラの蛍光観測
*大西 脩平(Shuhei Oonishi), 崔 容俊, 石田 誠, 澤田 和明, 石井 仁(豊橋技術科学大学), 町田克之, 益 一哉(東京工業大学), 二階堂 靖彦, 齋藤 光正(産業医科大学), 吉田 眞一(福岡聖恵病院)
The 34th Sensor/Micromachine and Application Systems _Poster Presentation Session
- MEMS CO2センサの作製とその応答への影響因子の検討
*岩田 達哉(Tatsuya Iwada), 松田 恭輔, 髙橋 一浩, 澤田 和明 - 高い波長選択性を有するMEMS可変カラーフィルタに向けた 自立金属-誘電体-金属サブ波長格子によるプラズモニックカラーフィルタ
*満留 将人(Masato Mitsudome), 澤田 和明, 高橋 一浩 - マルチモーダル神経伝達物質イメージセンサのためのイオン拡散防止MEMS構造体の作製
*魚返 勇太(Yuta Ogaeri), 満留 将人, 李 宥奈, 岩田 達也, 高橋 一浩, 澤田 和明 - フィルタフリー蛍光イメージセンサの開発
*田中 清嗣(Kiyotsugu Tanaka), 崔 容俊, 木村 安行, 岩田 達哉, 高橋 一浩, 澤田 和明 - バイオマーカー検出のためのエラストマーナノ薄膜を利用したMEMS光干渉型表面応力センサ
*寺元 玲奈(Reina Teramoto), 丸山 智史(豊橋技術科学大学), 藤枝 俊宣, 佐藤 信孝, 武岡 真司(早稲田大学), 澤田 和明, 高橋 一浩(豊橋技術科学大学) - 減圧ドライ転写技術を用いた真空キャビティ構造をもつグラフェン共振器の製作
石田 隼斗, 岩田 達哉, 澤田 和明, *髙橋 一浩(Kazuhiro Takahashi) - 非標識バイオセンシングに向けた高い波長選択性を持つ MEMS光干渉型表面応力センサの製作
*高橋 利昌(Toshiaki Takahashi), 飛沢 健(豊橋技術科学大学), 三澤 宣雄(神奈川科学技術アカデミー), 瀧 美樹, 澤田 和明, 高橋 一浩(豊橋技術科学大学)
IEEE SENSORS 2017 (Glasgow, Scotland,UK)
2017/11/02 Information
2017/10/30-11/1 Mr. Shinmyo (M1) presented his research poster at IEEE SENSORS 2017.
Title:Development of potentiometric miniature gas sensor arrays feasible for small olfactory chips and gas recognition from their response patterns.