On March 18th, 2018/3/18
M2 Shuhei Oonishi won the Research Promotion Award at the 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium supported by The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
Publication title: フォトゲート型蛍光センサを用いたレジオネラの蛍光観測
Authors:大西脩平、崔 容俊、石田 誠、澤田和明、石井仁(豊橋技科大)、 町田克之、益 一哉(東工大)、 二階堂靖彦、齋藤光正(産業医科大学)、吉田眞一(福岡聖恵病院
This award was given outstanding young researchers who are expected to contribute to improve the integrated MEMS technology.
University Website
【Award Information】