Aiming to realize high performance integrated circuits and intelligent sensors with intelligent functions


Prof. Sawada won the 37th Nagai Technology Award.

2020/3/3 Prof. Sawada won the 37th Nagai Technology Award.

Title: Development of a Chemical Imaging System Using Semiconductor Sensors
Organizer: Nagai Foundation for Science and Technology

Mr. Fumitaka Endo (B4) won the IEEJ Tokai Section Chief Award.

2020/3/1 Mr. Fumitaka Endo won the IEEJ Tokai Branch Award.
Title: Fabrication of Stretchable Plasmonic Nanosheets



M2 Master’s Thesis Final Examination was held.

2020/2/20-21 M2 Master’s Thesis Final Examination was held.
The following members of our group were awarded for their outstanding dissertations.
Best Presentation Award Ms. Sawako Tanaka
Best Presentation Award Mr. Hirotaka Shiguma
Excellent Presentation Award Mr. Atsuya Hirata
I would like to express my appreciation to all the M2 students for their hard work.
Thank you very much for your hard work.

D3 Dr. Hayato Kumagai’s doctoral thesis public review was held.

2020/2/12 D3 Dr. Hayato Kumagai’s doctoral thesis public review was held.

A paper on in-vivo sensors has been published by Nature Communications.

2020/2/6 A paper on in-vivo sensors has been published by Nature Communications. This work was supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) under the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) program.

“CMOS-based bio-image sensor spatially resolves neural activity dependent proton dynamics in the living brain”
著者名:Hiroshi Horiuchi, Masakazu Agetsuma, Junko Ishida, Yusuke Nakamura, Dennis Lawrence Cheung, Shin Nanasaki, Yasuyuki Kimura, Tatsuya Iwata, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Kazuaki Sawada, Junichi Nabekura


◎We developed a thin CMOS ion image sensor that can be applied to living organisms, and succeeded in visualizing pH in the brain.We succeeded in visualizing pH in the brain by developing a thin CMOS ion image sensor that can be applied to living organisms.

◎We were able to detect dynamic changes in pH in the brain in response to visual stimuli.

Abnormal pH (hydrogen ion concentration) has been observed in brain pathologies such as cerebral ischemia and epilepsy, and ultra-high resolution measurement of pH in the brain of living organisms may lead to the elucidation of new disease mechanisms and treatment methods. Hiroshi Horiuchi, Assistant Professor and Junichi Nabekura, Director of the Institute of Physiology, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, and Kazuaki Sawada, Professor of Toyohashi University of Technology, have developed a high-definition pH imaging tool that can be applied to living organisms. By visualizing brain pH in real time, they have succeeded for the first time in the world in capturing the dynamic changes in pH in the microenvironment as a result of neural activity. By applying this technique to future pathological research, it is expected to elucidate the mechanism of diseases.

The results of this research were published in the British scientific journal Nature Communications on February 5, 2020 (UK time).


2020 JST-CREST Joint Meeting

2020/1/30-31 2020 JST-CREST Joint Meeting was held at NakaIzu Winery Hills.
JST CREST is an interdisciplinary research project that started in October 2014 and is being carried out in collaboration with Koizumi Laboratory, Department of Pharmacology, Division of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Yamanashi, and Nabekura Laboratory, Division of Developmental Biology and Homeostasis, Department of Neuroscience, Institute of Physiology.

Mr. Fumitaka Endo win the best prize in the presentations of Undergraduate Graduation theses in 2019!

2019/12/19-20 There was presentations of Undergraduate Graduation theses. Mr. Fumitaka Endo received the best presentation award!

IEICE Technical Committee on Electron Devices (ED), Mr. Oono (M2) got an award!

2019/12/13  Mr. Oono (M2) received The Best Paper Presentation Award from IEICE Technical Committee on Electron Devices (ED) that he attended in August.



【Student and award information】

The 36th SENSOR Symposium (on Sensors and Micromachines and Applied System)、Three of our students got awards!

2019/11/19~21 The 36th SENSOR Symposium (on Sensors and Micromachines and Applied System) was held at Hamamatsu in Japan. Many of our students joint the conference to present their research and three of them got awards!

 Awards & Winner

  • The 36th 「Sensor and Micromachines」 Symposium
    The Participation Prize  Dr. Yong Joon Choi
  • The 36th 「Sensor and Micromachines」 Symposium
    The Best Poster Award   Hideo Doi and Chinatsu Lawakami

Dr. Yong Joon Choi

Chinatsu Lawakami

Hideo Doi



The 36th SENSOR Symposium (on Sensors and Micromachines and Applied System)


  1. 崔 容俊*, 丸山 智史, 瀧 美樹, 澤田 和明, 高橋 一浩、MEMS光干渉型表面応力バイオセンサの検出下限評価、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、20am1-T-3、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.20

<Poster >

  1. 大野 賢*, 岩田 達哉, 高橋 一浩, 澤田 和明、スパッタリングにより堆積した(La, Y)2O3膜を用いた積層型CO2センサの湿潤雰囲気下でのCO2応答、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、19am3-PS-43、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.19
  2. 喜種 慎*, 澤田 和明, 高橋 一浩、超高感度非標識生体分子計測に向けたグラフェン光干渉型表面応力センサ、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、19am3-PS-57、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.19
  3. 高橋 利昌*, Choi Yong Joon, 丸山 智史, 瀧 美樹, 澤田 和明, 髙橋 一浩、Parylene接合技術を用いた封止キャビティ構造を有する MEMS光干渉型表面応力センサの製作・評価、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、19am5-PS3-10、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.19
  4. 川上 千夏*, 李 宥奈, 土井 英生, 堀尾 智子, 木村 安行, 繁冨 英治, 篠崎 陽一, 野田 俊彦, 岩田 達哉, 高橋 一浩, 小泉 修一, 澤田 和明、シナプスレベルの活動観察に向けた2 µmピッチイオンイメージセンサの開発と 海馬スライス微小領域への応用、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、20am2-PS3-45、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.20
  5. 土井 英生*, 堀尾 智子, 繁富 英治, 篠崎 陽一, Lee You-Na, 吉見 立也, 岩田 達哉, 野田 俊彦, 高橋 一浩, 服部 敏明, 小泉 修一, 澤田 和明、レドックス型非標識乳酸イメージセンサの製作と薬剤刺激による海馬からの乳酸放出のイメージング、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、20am2-PS3-61、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.20
  6. 上坂 淳平*, 郷 幸佑, 喜種 慎, 澤田 和明, 高橋 一浩、高FQ積を備えたナノメカニカル共振器に向けた架橋グラフェンへの引っ張り歪印加構造の作製、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、20pm3-LN2-82、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.20
  7. 熊谷 隼人*, 高橋 功, 武岡 真司, 澤田 和明, 藤枝 俊宣, 髙橋 一浩、Alサブ波長格子を形成したプラズモニックナノシートの製作、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、21pm1-PS3-15、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.21
  8. 平田 敦也*, 熊谷 隼人, 澤田 和明, 髙橋 一浩、金属-誘電体-金属サブ波長格子を利用した可変プラズモニックフィルタの動作検証、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、21pm1-PS3-18、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.21
  9. 岩田 達哉*, 大野 賢, 吉河 武文, 澤田 和明、金属酸化物メモリスタのアナログリセットを利用したセンサ過渡特性取得によるガス識別、第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム、21pm1-PS3-34、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.21

The 11th Integrated MEMS Symposium

  1. 金森 亮人*, 丸山 智史, 崔 容俊, 高橋 利昌, 澤田 和明, 高橋 一浩、抗体修飾済みシートの転写による光干渉型表面応力バイオセンサの製作、第11回 集積化MEMSシンポジウム、21am3-A-1、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.21.ポスター
  2. 田中 佐和子*, 崔 容俊, 石田 誠, 澤田 和明, 石井 仁,町田 克之,二階堂 靖彦, 齋藤 光正,吉田 眞一、フォトゲート型光センサによるレジオネラ属菌の菌種識別、第11回 集積化MEMSシンポジウム、21am3-A-3、アクトシティ浜松、2019.11.21.ポスター


IEEE SENSORS 2019 (Montreal, Canada)

2019/10/27~30 Our students visited Montreal in Canada and attended IEEE SENSORS 2019 to report their studies.


  1. Hideo Doi , Tomoko Horio, Eiji Shigetomi, Bijay Parajuli, Youichi Shinozaki, Toshihiko Noda, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Toshiaki Hattri, Schuichi Koizum, Kazuaki Sawada, Label-free real-time imaging of extracellular Ca2+ uptake in the hippocampal slice using Ca-PVC membrane based on charge-transfer-type potentiometric sensor arrays, C3LA, 1289, IEEE SENSORS 2019.10.30.


  1. Sawako Tanaka, Yong Joon Choi, Toshihiko Noda, Makoto Ishida, Kazuaki Sawada, Hiromu Ishii, Katsuyuki Machida, Yasuhiko Nikaido, Mitsumasa Saito, and Yoshida Shin-ichi, Identification of Legionella Species by Photogate-Type Optical Sensor, B2P-L, 1448, IEEE SENSORS 2019.10.29.
  2. Takuya Teshima, Yong-Joon Choi, Yoshiko Noda, Sachiko Kamiya,Daisuke Akai,TakeshiHizawa,KazuhiroTakahashi,Hiromu Ishii, Toshihiko Noda, and Kazuaki Sawada, Extension for Short Wavelength Detection Limit of Filter-Free Fluorescence Sensor by using Indium Tin Oxide Photogate, C2P-M, 1459, IEEE SENSORS 2019.10.30.

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