Prof. Maruyama was received the encouragement prize from the 34th Sensor/Micromachine and Application System
2017/12/21 Awards
Prof. Maruyama was received the encouragement prize from the 34th Sensor/Micromachine and Application System
This prize is for the best speaker in the oral session.
His presentation was evaluated by members of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
A name of the prize is Igarashi Award, and it is prepared just for the young researchers (under 35 years old at 31.12.2016).
Official University Website
Official University Website
The 34th Sensor Symposium
M2 Toshiaki Takahashi, Encouragement Award for His Presentation
2017/10/02 Awards
M2 Toshiaki Takahashi,
Encouragement Award for His Presentation at Electronics device research group
Research title: Fabrication and evaluation of MEMS optical interferometric biosensor with high wavelength selectivity
Host: The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers