Aiming to realize high performance integrated circuits and intelligent sensors with intelligent functions

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年別アーカイブ: 2017年


2017/12/21 We celebrated the outgoing year!

Prof. Maruyama was received the encouragement prize from the 34th Sensor/Micromachine and Application System

Prof. Maruyama was received the encouragement prize from the 34th Sensor/Micromachine and Application System

This prize is for the best speaker in the oral session.

His presentation was evaluated by members of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.

A name of the prize is Igarashi Award, and it is prepared just for the young researchers (under 35 years old at 31.12.2016).

Official University Website

Official University Website

The 34th Sensor Symposium

Mr. Choi Yong Joon received his doctor’s degree

2017/12/18 Mr. Choi received his doctor’s degree!


Prof. Sawada gave a special lecture at SEMICON JAPAN 2017

December 15, 2017

Prof. Sawada gave a special lecture at SEMICON JAPAN 2017 “Minimal Fab IoT Business Strategy and Application Seminar” held at Tokyo Big Sight.
Title: Applications of introduction of minimal fab

Prof. Sawada’s Research posed on TUT Research  Magazine No. 11

Prof. Sawada’s Research posed on TUT Research  Magazine No. 11 that published by Toyohashi University of Technology.

Prof. Sawada’s lecture for Toyohashi North Rotary Club

December 12, 2017

Prof. Sawada invited to talk about his research with Toyohashi North Rotary Club.
Title: 一滴の血液で病気がわかる  ~化学の目を持つセンサ開発と実用化に向けた取り組み~

Prof. Takahashi’s research paper released in JJAP Online!

December 8, 2017
Prof. Takahashi’s research paper released in JJAP Online!

Kazuhiro Takahashi, Toshinori Fujie, Nobutaka Sato, Shinji Takeoka and Kazuaki Sawada

MEMS optical interferometry-based pressure sensor using elastomer nanosheet developed by dry transfer technique

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 57, 010302-1-4

Dr. Choi Yong Joon’s paper has been published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical

Dr. Choi Yong Joon’s paper has been published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical!
Yong Joon Choi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Nobuo Misawa, Takeshi Hizawa, Tatsuya Iwata, Kazuaki Sawada
Multi-wavelength fluorescence detection of submicromolar concentrations using a filter-free fluorescence sensor
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 256, Pages38-47

Ms. Lee’s paper has been published in Talanta

Ms. Lee’s paper has been published in Talanta!

You-Na Lee,Koichi Okumura,Tomoko Horio,Tatsuya Iwata,Kazuhiro Takahashi,Toshiaki Hattori,Kazuaki Sawada
A bio-image sensor for simultaneous detection of multi-neurotransmitters
Talanta, Volume 179, 1 March 2018, Pages 569–574

MNC2017(Jeju, KOREA)

2017/11/6~11/9 The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2017) had held in Jeju, South Korea. 4 research presentations had been reported by our group members.

Detail information at HERE

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