Aiming to realize high performance integrated circuits and intelligent sensors with intelligent functions

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SSDM2019 (Nagoya, Japan)

2019/9/2~5 2019 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2019) held at Nagoya University. Mr. Uesaka attended at this conference and presented his recent study.

  • J. Uesaka , K. Go , S. Kidane , K. Sawada , K. Takahashi,

IEICE Technical Committee on Electron Devices (ED) (Tokyo, Japan)

2019/8/6 We reported our recent studies at IEICE Technical Committee on Electron Devices (ED) in Tokyo.

  1. 崔 容俊,丸山 智史,瀧 美樹,澤田 和明,高橋 一浩
    信学技報, ED2019-31,vol. 119, no. 160, 2019. 機械振興会館,東京
  2. 喜種 慎,澤田 和明,高橋 一浩
    信学技報, ED2019-31,vol. 119, no. 160, 2019. 機械振興会館,東
  3. 大野 賢、 岩田達哉、髙橋一浩、澤田和明
    信学技報, ED2019-31,vol. 119, no. 160, pp.25-28, 2019. 機械振興会館,東京

IEEE OMN2019 (Deajeon, Korea)

2019/7/28~8/1 2019 Internatinal Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics ( IEEE OMN 2019 ) was held at KAIST, Deajeon, Korea. We visited there to present our recent research.

  1. Hayato Kumagai, Isao Takahashi, Shinji Takeoka, Kazuaki Sawada, Toshinori Fujie, and Kazuhiro Takahashi, Plasmonic Color Sheet with Al Nano Periodic Structure Formed by Transfer Technique,
  2. Atsuya Hirata, Hayato Kumagai, Masato Mitsudome, Kazuaki Sawada, and Kazuhiro Takahashi, Operation Verification of Tunable Plasmonic Color Filter Composed by Metalinsulator – metal Subwavelength Grating and MEMS Actuator
  3. Chinatsu Kawakami1,2, Raza Qazi1,3, Choong Yeon Kim1, Kazuhiro Takahashi2, and Jae-Woong
    Jeong1, 1Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, 2Toyohashi University of
    Technology, Japan, 3University of Colorado Boulder, USA, Low-cost and Rapidly-customizable 3D-printed Optogenetic Probes with
    Wireless Control

2019 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, E-section workshop (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

2019/7/1 We attend at E-section workshop held by The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (Tokyo Institute of Technology).

  • Micromachine・sensor system workshop
    ・熊谷隼人*、高橋 功、武岡真司、澤田和明、藤枝俊宣、髙橋一浩
     転写技術により Al ナノ周期構造を形成したプラズモニックカラーシートの作製
  • Bio・microsystem workshop
    ・高橋 利昌*、 崔 容俊、 丸山 智史、瀧 美樹、 澤田 和明、 髙橋 一浩
    高い表面応力感度を有する封止キャビティ構造の MEMS 光干渉型バイオセンサの製作・評価
    ・田中佐和子*,崔 容俊,石田 誠,澤田和明,石井 仁

TRANSDUCERS 2019 (Berlin, Germany)

2019/6/23-27 We presented our researches at  IEEE The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2019) in Berlin!


  1. Toshiaki Takahashi, Yong-Joon Choi, Satoshi Maruyam, Miki Taki,Kazuaki Sawada and Kazuhiro Takahashi,FABRICATION OF CAVITY-SEALED OPTICAL INTERFEROMETRIC SURFACESTRESS BIOSENSOR BY THIN FILM TRANSFER TECHNIQUE,The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2019), T1E.001 pp.182-185, 2019, Berlin.Germany.
  2. Hideo Doi, Tomoko Horio, Eiji Shigetomi, Youichi Shinozaki,You-Na Lee, Tatsuya Yoshimi, Tatsuya Iwata, Toshihiko Noda,Kazuhiro Takahashi, Toshiaki Hattori, Schuichi Koizumi and Kazuaki Sawada,LABEL-FREE REAL-TIME IMAGING OF EXTRACELLULAR LACTATEFROM A HIPPOCAMPAL SLICE BASED ON CHARGE-TRANSFER-TYPEPOTENTIOMETRIC REDOX SENSOR ARRAYS, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2019), W4C.004 pp.617-620, 2019, Berlin.Germany.
  3. Chinatsu Kawakami, You-Na Lee, Hideo Doi, Tomoko Horio, Yasuyuki Kimura, Eiji Shigetomi,Youichi Shinozaki, Toshihiko Noda, Tatsuya Iwata, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Schuichi Koizumi ,HYDROGEN ION MICROSCOPE USING 2 μM PITCH PH IMAGE SENSOR FORANALYSIS OF MOUSE HIPPOCAMPAL SLICE, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2019), Th1D.004 pp.732-735, 2019, Berlin.Germany.
  4. Yuta Ogaeri, Chinatsu Kawakami, Takeshi Hizawa, Eiji Shigetomi, Youichi Shinozaki,Tatsuya Iwata, Toshihiko Noda, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Schuichi Koizumi and Kazuaki Sawada,HYDROGEN ION IMAGE SENSOR WITH BARREL ARRAY DIFFUSION SUPPRESSORAND HIPPOCAMPAL SLICE IMAGING, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2019), Th1D.004 pp.732-735, 2019, Berlin.Germany.


  1. Yoshitaka Arimi, Sakamoto Kotaro, You-NA Lee, Yasuyuki Kimura, Toshiki Wakamori, Hiroo Yamamoto, Tatsuya Iwata, Toshihiko Noda, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Mizuno and Kazuaki Sawada, SUB 0.01pH RESOLUTION EXTENDED GATE TYPE pH IMAGE SENSOR WITH CHARGE ACCUMULATION FUNCTION, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2019), T3P.050 pp.1317-1320, 2019, Berlin.Germany.
  2. Yong-Joon Choi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Toshihiko Noda, Tatsuya Iwata, Hiromu Ishii and Kazuaki Sawada,REAL-TIME COMPACT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM OF AMPLIFIED TARGET RNABASED ON A FILTER-FREE MULTIPLE WAVELENGTHS SENSOR, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2019), W3P.122 pp.2251-2254, 2019, Berlin.Germany.
  3. You-Na Lee , Kanata Tanaka, Kensuke Murakami, Ken Ogasahara, Satoshi Shimizu,Yasuyuki, Kimura,TomokoHorio,TakeshiHizawa,TatsuyaIwata,KazuhiroTakahashiand Kazuaki Sawada, SUPER SPATIAL RESOLUTION PRESSURE IMAGE SENSOR BASED ON A BONDINGTECHNIQUE OF PVDF FILM ON TWO MICROMETER PITCH CMOS POTENTIOMETRIC SENSOR ARRAY, The 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2019), W3P.111 pp.2158-2161, 2019, Berlin.Germany.

AWAD 2018

2018/7/2~4 We attended to AWAD2018 which held at Kitakyushu in Japan. There were two oral presentation from our group.


  • Fabrication of PDMS based Fabry-Perot interferometric sensor integrated with photodiode for bio-sensing
    Y.J. Choi*, S.Maruyama, K.Sawada, K.Takahashi
  • A filter-free fluorescence sensor for detection of short wavelength with optimized potential distribution
    T.Teshima*, Y.-J.Choi, K.Takahashi, T.Iwata, K.Sawada

APCOT 2018 (HKUST, Hong Kong)

2018/6/24~27 We attended to Academic conference called Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2018(APCOT 2018)!

THREE oral and SIX poster presentations from our laboratory were opened to the public.


      • Development of MEMS Tunable Plasomonic Color Filter Based on Metal/Insulator/Metal (MIM) Subwavelength Grating
        Masato Mitsudome, Atsuya Hirata*, Kazuaki Sawada and Kazuhiro Takahashi
      • Study on Deposition Condition of PIC Membrane for Enzyme-Type Label-Free ATP Image Sensors and Extracellular Imaging of Hippocampal Slice
        Hideo Doi*, Tomoko Horio, Tatsuya Iwata, Koichi Okumura, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Toshiaki Hattori and Kazuaki Sawada
      • An Evaluation Method for Electrochemical Imaging of High-density Ion-image Sensor
        You-Na Lee*, Takeshi Araki, Yasuyuki Kimura, Tatsuya Iwata, Kazuhiro Takahashi and Kazuaki Sawada


      • Proposition of an EIS Type Dissolved Oxygen Sensor with ZnO Sensitive Layer for Multimodal Imaging
        Yuya Sugihara*, Kohei Ono, Takeshi Ishiyama, Takeshi Hizawa and Kensuke Murakami, Kazuhiro Takahashi and Kazuaki Sawada
      • Investigation of pH Response and Interfacial Product of Ta2O5 Film Deposited on Tungsten
        Yusuke Yamauchi*, Takeshi Hizawa, Kensuke Murakami, Tatsuya Iwata, Kazuhiro Takahashi and Kazuaki Sawada
      • Development of a Label-Free Needle Type Ion Image Sensor for Real-Time Monitoring of Potassium Ion Distributions
        Yusuke Nakamura*, Tatsuya Iwata, Kazuhiro Takahashi and Kazuaki Sawada
      • Design and Evaluation of 2-Transistor Pixel Configuration for pH Image Sensor with Charge Cumulative Function
        Yoshitaka Arimi* , Yasuyuki Kimura, Tatsuya Iwata, Kazuhiro Takahashi and Kazuaki Sawada
      • Evaluation of Antigen-Antibody Reaction on Suspended Graphene by Optical Interferometry
        Shin Kidane*, Hayato Ishida, Kazuhiro Takahashi and Kazuaki Sawada
      • Investigation of the Relationship between the Microscopic Structure of La2O3 and CO2 Response in La2O3/SnO2 Stacked Devices
        Ken Ono*, Kyosuke Matsuda, Tatsuya Iwata, Kazuhiro Takahashi and Kazuaki Sawada



The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2018


There is the 65th JSAP Spring Meeting 2018 at WASEDA University.

16 oral presentations and 4 poster presentations reported by our group members.

Detail information at HERE

MNC2017(Jeju, KOREA)

2017/11/6~11/9 The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2017) had held in Jeju, South Korea. 4 research presentations had been reported by our group members.

Detail information at HERE

The 34th SENSOR SYNMPOSIUM(International Conference Center Hiroshima)

2017/10/31~11/2 The 34th Sensor symposium had been held at the Hiroshima International Conference Hall and we had reported ten presentations in our group.

Detail information at HERE

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